Cavus Foot (High Arch Foot)

What is Cavus Foot?
Cavus foot is a condition in which the foot has a very high arch. This high arch causes an excessive amount of weight to be placed on the ball and heel of the foot when walking or standing, leading to a significant amount of discomfort, pain, and damage to the health of the foot as time progresses.

Causes of Cavus Foot
Cavus foot is often caused by a neurologic disorder or other medical condition such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, polio or stroke. In other cases, more often of the time, the condition is related an inherited structural abnormality.

An accurate diagnosis for the cause of the issue is important in determining the future course it will take. If the high arch is to a nerologic disorder or other medical conditions, it is very likely that the condition will progressively get worse. However, in cases of inheritance, the disorder usually doesn’t change in appearance.

The arch of the foot will appear higher even when standing. In addition, one or more of the following symptoms might be present, such as:
– Hammertoes or claw toes
– Calluses on the balls, sides or heals of the feet
– Pain when walking or standing
– An unstable foot due to the heel tilting inwards, leading to increased ankle sprains
Some people with this condition may also experience foot drop, weakness of the muscles in or around the area of the arch as a result to the dragging of the foot when taking a step.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Diagnosis would include a review of the patient’s family history and any and all medical conditions that the patient has. An accurate diagnosis is important because it will help determine the treatment option that’s right for the specific case. Treatment options will vary, but include:
– Orthotic devices that fit into the shoe provide stability and cushioning
– Shoe modifications such as a high-topped shoe to support the ankle
– Bracing to keep the foot and ankle stable.

Visit your local podiatrist for the more details, and to set up a treatment option that is right for you.