Most parents ensure their child regularly visits the dentist to prevent orthodontic issues. Unfortunately, this same concern is not applied to their children’s feet. Many of the problems with adult feet that chiropodist encounter — problems that cannot be resolved — could have been successfully treated had they been addressed as a child. As well, many foot problems are genetic, meaning that if a parent suffers from a particular issue, it is advisable to have your children assessed.


In-toeing, or “pigeon toes” as they are more commonly known, is easy to diagnose. The standard human gait is to walk with toes facing forward or even slightly outwards. In-toeing is when toes point inward while walking — a condition that surfaces in early childhood. Treatment depends on the cause. Generally it’s due to a curve in the foot, an outward rotating thigh bone or even the inward rotation of the tibia (the bone between the knee and the ankle). Although in-toeing will usually correct itself over time, some cases may require medical treatment, such as manual manipulation during early childhood, wearing special shoes and, in rare cases, surgical intervention.


Conversely, out-toeing, or “toeing out” as it’s commonly referred to, develops with toes pointing outwards. This is often attributed to a torsion defect during and after birth, and usually corrects itself between the ages of six and eight. However, in rare instances, where natural correction does not occur, medical intervention may be required. Seek an expert chiropodist for diagnosis and treatment options.